Bigger Things to Take Care Of
Our world is in a whirlwind of masks, hand sanitizer, and 6 feet distances. Everyone’s primary focus is staying safe during the worldwide health crisis. So who can think about speeding? Police can- and should. Speeding and dangerous driving are on the rise, despite more people staying at home. Covid isn’t the only crisis the U.S. is facing- speeding and reckless driving are putting people at risk every day.
Is Speeding Really Still an Issue?
NYC speed cameras found the same number of speeders during Covid despite a 51% plunge in cars on the road. Texas has seen a frightening rise in road deaths during the pandemic. Iowa police have seen an increase in excessive speeding. Virginia is seeing much more collisions than normal. The bottom line is that our roads have become emptier- and more lethal. The fatality rate per mile driven has gone up 14% since the same period last year. It turns out speeding is still a problem. And it’s taking lives every day. At Traffic Logix we believe you can prevent each crash before it happens.
Not Losing Sight
An article published by Streetsblog implores people not to lose sight of the other pandemic– dangerous driving. The faster a driver is going, the more likely they are to crash- and to kill or severely injure whoever they crash into. At 20 mph, a person hit by a car has a 90% survival rate. At 40 mph, there’s only a 15% chance that person would survive. At speeds higher than 40, there is almost no chance the person struck would survive.
What Can You Do?
Lowering speeds is the most critical way to prevent deadly crashes. Speed is the number one cause of severe and fatal crashes. One of the lowest cost ways to do this effectively is to discourage speeders with low-cost flashing radar signs. Radar signs simply remind drivers of how fast they’re going and flash to alert speeders. But they’ve been found to be remarkably effective. They slow cars down, with an effect that lasts even miles after they’ve past. Solutions like speed humps and speed cameras are also ways you can slow speeders and protect your streets. Speeding kills. Don’t let it.