Our digital radar speed signs display driver speed data, making drivers aware that they are traveling above the speed limit. Research shows that they are effective in slowing speed violators, particularly with today’s highly visual, often distracted drivers. Radar signs are popular on local streets, in private communities, in work zones, and for school zone applications.
The goal is for drivers to reduce their speeds once they realize they are traveling too fast. Also known as speed display signs, driver feedback signs, and “your speed” signs, radar signs operate on the feedback loop theory: when people are presented with information about their performance, they tend to notice and improve. Digital speed signs activate this feedback loop by alerting speeding drivers to their current speeds along with posted speed limit signs.
Based on your application and speed concerns, radar signs can be used on their own or with other traffic calming devices such as speed humps, speed cameras, or other traffic calming tools.
SafePace speed radar signs have been installed across the US, Canada, Central/South America, Mexico, and India. The signs use solar, AC, or battery power. The competitively priced speed display signs are intuitively designed, incorporating elements that reflect the concerns of today’s cities and the habits of today’s drivers.