Private and gated communities attract people seeking increased safety and security.
Here is a guide to help you work with your community to create safer, more livable streets.
Slowing cars down to safer reduce speed can make the difference between life and death on local community roads.
Slower speeds save lives.
8 Easy Steps to Safer Roads:
Step 1- Assess the problem
Speak to neighbors; find out if others are concerned about speeding as well. Decisions in private communities are usually made based on majority votes, so rally your friends and neighbors to get involved in improving the safety of local roads.
Step 2- Identify when, where, and why speeding is happening
Try to observe what times speeding is an issue and on which roads in your community. Consider where these cars are headed and what motivates their dangerous behavior.
Step 3- Lead by example
Make sure you obey speed laws. When you drive slower, and more safely, cars behind you are more likely to do the same.
Step 4- Communicate with your neighbors
Garner support for your cause and encourage others to get involved. Private communities are often home to vulnerable populations such as young children, pets, and the elderly. Why are safer roads particularly critical in your community? What can you do to help?
Step 5- Collaborate with other local HOAs
Find out how other neighborhoods solved speeding concerns.
Step 6- Discuss fundraising options with your neighbors
Cities often have limited funding resources for road safety. Research which solutions would best improve safety in your community. Consider the importance of including each of the three E’s of safer roads: Education, engineering, and enforcement. Don’t limit yourself to any one option- consider educational campaigns, speed humps, speed cushions, radar signs, and speed cameras.
Step 7- Be proactive
Prepare a presentation with all the information you’ve gathered. Include data on what the problem is, how residents feel about it, details you’ve gathered about speeding behavior, and the risk factors in your community. Set up a meeting to present your findings to the relevant board or city officials.
Step 8- Stay calm
Present your findings calmly, clearly, and confidently. Discuss various options and convey the importance of taking action, including educating residents about the importance of slowing down. Remember that ultimately decisions will be made by majority opinion. Make sure everyone is well informed so they can best address this issue.
Hear what other HOAs have to say:
“Not only are the products well engineered and industry leading, but their customer service is just outstanding.”
“We can…. control the signs (at the port) right from our offices….. via the SafePace Cloud.”
“It (the SafePace radar sign) is a neat little system that gets fantastic results.”
“We love it (the SafePace radar sign)….. You’ll notice drivers instantly slow down. It really grabs their attention.”
“People really slow down and they don’t speed up afterward. It (the speed hump) is a reminder to observe the speed limit and it actually seems to work.”
“It’s really great how we can download the data and share it with team members….. The response to the signs has been excellent.”
Let us help you get started!
Enforcing speeds on your streets isn’t always easy.
affordable, and more accessible than ever.