The Power of Traffic Data
You know speeding is sometimes an issue on your corporate campus or in your parking lots. You figure you’ll put some speed control devices like radar signs in and hope for the best. It’s certainly a good start- and likely to create safer streets- but what if you could harness the power of traffic data to do a lot more? With OpenSpace signs from Traffic Logix, every single sign can collect detailed data on what’s going on on your streets. And with web-enablement, you can access that data right from your desk and put it to work for you.
What’s Really Going On?
When do cars speed on your roads? Are there certain times of day or of the week that speeding is more likely? Do cars slow down when they approach your sign? How about when they’re warned to slow down? All SafePace signs are equipped with data collection so they can keep track of traffic trends to help you analyze and better handle speeding issues. They also have the ability to work in stealth mode. This shows drivers a blank sign they presume is off while driving behavior is actually being carefully culled and monitored.
Won’t All That Traffic Data Be Overwhelming?
Your SafePace sign gathers a lot of data. You can see total and average vehicle counts and speeds, minimum and maximum speeds, percentage of speed violations, and more. And all that can be seen for any given day or time. But just because there’s a lot of traffic data doesn’t mean it’s not easy and intuitive to sift through. With a robust selection of reports to choose from, you can see your data clearly display in easy to read formats. Use the charts, reports, and analysis to make informed decisions about how to best protects your streets.
What’s Next?
Once you have the intel to pinpoint if and when issues persist despite your speed display signs, you’re better equipped to go forward. While radar signs inspire most drivers to slow down most of the time, you may find some that stubbornly resist. But with traffic data that tells you when speeding occurs most, you can choose to have further intervention available during that time or to use an additional speed control device such as a speed camera or speed hump at a specific location. Knowledge is power and with SafePace signs from Traffic Logix, all the knowledge is yours.