The data collection feature, an added option available with every SafePace sign, offers a valuable resource for gathering and analyzing sign performance and driver behavior.
Traffic data, statistics and reports can be downloaded from your sign location with Bluetooth or wifi connection or can be accessed remotely from anywhere for SafePace Cloud users.
Collected data can be retrieved and downloaded into a variety of comprehensive reports including:
• Speed data
• Summary or detailed reports
• Period comparison reports
• Advanced statistical data
• Customized reporting
• All reports can be printed or exported
• Summary or detailed reports
• Period comparison reports
• Advanced statistical data
• Customized reporting
• All reports can be printed or exported
Some of the data that is collected includes:
• Total and average vehicle counts
• Minimum and maximum speeds
• Average and 85th percentile speeds
• Percentage of speed violations
• Minimum and maximum speeds
• Average and 85th percentile speeds
• Percentage of speed violations