Don’t Lower Your Mask
Safety and 2020 will be forever intertwined, with thoughts of shuttered businesses, working from home, and faces perpetually covered by now ubiquitous masks. But before all that began, the term safety used to conjure up concerns for the wellbeing of your workers and staff as they drove and walked into work each day. And with hope ahead for an end to the pandemic, let’s hope 2021 will get us back to busy offices, bustling streets, and the world we once knew.
Street Safety
Busy workplaces are a good thing- and keeping campus roads safe can be simpler than you think. Today’s streets are hazardous for pedestrians- which includes workers in your parking lots or on your roads. In the U.S., while highway fatalities have increased 9% since 2010, pedestrian deaths have increased by a shocking 44%. And everyone is sometimes a pedestrian. But simple solutions to slow cars down can help reduce that 44% to the coveted vision zero. All it takes is some advance planning and wise decision making.
Slow Down
If a car driving 40 mph hits a pedestrian, there’s only a very small chance the person will survive. Contrast that with a vehicle driving 20 mph and there’s a 95% chance that person gets up and walks away. Slower cars really do save lives. And they’re more attainable than you think. As you may know, simply posting lower speed limits isn’t enough to ensure that drivers slow down. But we offer an entire lineup of solutions that are.
Solutions for a Safer Campus
Traffic Logix solutions are used on thousands of campus roads to slow cars down and protect pedestrians. Our Your Speed signs alert drivers and are proven to slow them down. From basic models with static text to interactive signs that change messages based on driver speed, we have over 10 models to protect your streets.
We also offer speed cameras with automated photo enforcement so you can find out exactly who is speeding and when. Our cameras can also send automated warnings to speeding drivers. And our recycled speed humps and cushions keep roads safe by compelling drivers to slow as they pass.
However you plan to improve safety in 2021, we’re here to help you make those goals a reality.