We’re excited to be attending this year’s NTICC (National Transportation in Indian Country Conference) in Louisville, KY later this month. We’ll be exhibiting our solutions for safer Tribal roads. We’re also looking forward to hosting a presentation at the conference entitled “Safety on Reservation Roads.”
Explore Our Solutions
The NTICC has a robust interactive expo scheduled which will include an array of products and solutions to help you protect Tribal roads. Stop by and see us in booth 27 where Traffic Logix representative Adrian Madrid will be showcasing our solutions for safer Tribal roads. From simple tracking devices that enhance awareness of potential concerns to sophisticated interactive speed display signs and speed awareness cameras, we have everything you need to prevent injuries and fatalities on your roads.
Attend the Presentation
Join us on August 25 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am for our presentation: Safety on Reservation Roads. Find out why safety on Tribal roads is particularly challenging. Learn about how you can prevent the collisions and fatalities that affect so many people each year. And explore solutions and discover which make the most sense for your unique road configurations and safety challenges. We will also discuss funding options and cost efficiency of safety solutions. The session will give participants ample time to get answers to their most pressing safety questions. We hope we’ll see you there!
Learn About Traffic Logix
Traffic Logix is an ITS and traffic calming direct sales manufacturer that helps thousands of cities, communities, companies, and Tribes to slow speeders down and save lives. We are the only company that offers both intelligent transportation solutions such as interactive radar signs and cameras in addition to physical traffic safety solutions such as recycled rubber speed humps and lane delineators. We hope you’ll stop by and find out how we can help you protect your roads. Looking for some more specific guidance? Schedule a one on one meeting during the event for custom suggestions on how to protect your roads.