Does Spring Bring Safer Roads?
Spring has finally come. Almost. For much of the country, there’s still snow on the ground and a chill in the air. But the calendar says spring, and the weather can’t be too far behind. And of course, no more snow and ice means safer roads. Or does it?
With the relief of warmer weather comes the assumption that roads are safer and accidents decrease. But believe it or not, more crashes are caused by rain and wet pavement than by snow, ice, or slush. Wet pavement causes 73% of weather related crashes, followed by rain at 46%. Snow and sleet only cause 17% of weather related crashes while ice causes 13% of them.
How can you prevent spring rain from causing crashes, injuries, and even tragedy for your residents?
Variable message signs like the SafePace 650 can help notify drivers when roads are slippery and extra caution is needed. They also display driver speed, and flash lights and/or customized messages to alert speeding drivers to slow down.
Our new SafePace Guardian Cam takes enforcement a step further, giving you detailed information on speeding cars including the option to issue warnings or citations to penalize drivers and prevent future speeding.
Spring roads are more dangerous than you think. But you can make them safer today.