SafePace Signs Slow Speeders at Tee Time
The City
The Challenge
Cars driving at dangerous speeds around the golf course were putting West Bountiful residents, and themselves, at risk. While the city had used radar trailers sporadically in the past to gather stats on speeders and increase enforcement, they wanted a solution that could be used on an ongoing basis to keep track of traffic patterns, alert drivers to their speeds, warn speeders to slow down, and help better enforce posted speed limits.
The Solution
The SafePace Cloud gives West Bountiful detailed data on when and where speeding is occurring. It helps them keep track of trends in driving behavior so they can use enforcement at times of the day or week when speeding is more common.
from the signs is automatically sent in real-time to the SafePace Cloud. This data, including robust reports and options to sort by date, time and other parameters, can be accessed by the West Bountiful police right from their desks.
The Benefits
The city is thrilled with the results they’ve seen in reducing speeds with the SafePace signs. Sergeant Jeremy Adams of the West Bountiful City Police commented that the SafePace signs are more than just a solution to speeding problems, but a “forward thinking approach to traffic control enforcement.”