June = Safety
Every June, thousands of organizations celebrate National Safety Month. They turn the public focus to safety at work, on the road, and in local communities. The goal is to raise awareness of avoidable injuries and deaths. At Traffic Logix, we help cities and workplaces improve safety and create safer roads every day. This June, we’re proud to help bring awareness to National Safety Month. What are you doing for Safety Month?
Are Safer Roads in Our Control?
Close to 1.25 million people die in car crashes every year. That’s an average of over 3,000 deaths every single day. In addition, traffic crashes injure or disable another 20-50 million people. There’s no denying that we need safer roads. But how much is really in our control? Aren’t car accidents unavoidable? Actually, they aren’t. Human error causes almost every single car crash. A staggering 90% of crashes are caused by mistakes drivers make. These include driving too fast or while distracted.
Road to Zero
The Road to Zero coalition has over 905 member organizations. They are dedicated to reaching zero deaths on US roads by 2050. In pursuit of that goal, the coalition issued a report with goals to help create safer roads. The three main strategies include:
1- Doubling down on what’s proven to work.
2-Including more life-saving technology in vehicles.
3- Prioritizing safety and safety culture.
Choosing Tools
There are many ways to slow cars and prevent crashes on your roads. At Traffic Logix, we’re proud to offer a complete line of solutions designed to prevent crashes before they happen. Our driver feedback signs return driver focus to their speeds. Secondly, our speed camera systems warn drivers when they continue to speed. Finally, our recycled rubber speed humps, cushions, and curbing compel drivers to slow to safer speeds. We have the solutions you need for safer roads. We’re here to help you improve safety at your workplace and in your community.