Are Cars Your Main Focus?
In our car-centric culture, you’d be forgiven for thinking you just need to make your roads safer for the drivers that use them. Preventing excessive speeding to help reduce crashes might seem like enough. But on private community roads, and on public roads around the country, people are beginning to recognize that that isn’t enough. Complete streets need to address more than just the needs of their loudest, fastest users.
What Are Complete Streets?
Complete streets provide safe access to all users- pedestrians, drivers, and bikers of all ages. Neighborhoods with complete streets are easy for everyone to use to cross streets, exercise, walk, and bike. They often fit with the mission of private communities- to provide a safe environment that protects all residents. They help create more livable communities that address everyone’s needs, including high risk populations such as children, the elderly, or people with disabilities.
What Do Complete Streets Look Like?
While you may be envisioning an image of what you think complete streets look like, there is no one design that defines them. Their goal is to be responsive to the needs of their users, and that changes depending on how they’re used. Complete streets in a rural area will differ from those in a busy urban area and on private neighborhood streets. Depending on the context of your community, they may include bike lanes, radar signs, speed tables, narrow travel lanes, pedestrian signals, or photo enforcement.
How Do We Create Them?
You probably are already well aware of the need to balance safety and convenience for people using your roads. Creating a customized plan isn’t far behind. Traffic Logix can help you choose the best solutions to design streets that are safer and more responsive to your community’s unique needs. That’s because we offer the widest selection of traffic safety products of any other company in the world. That means we have what you need to create safer, more livable streets. Many communities just like yours have used our solutions to protect their roads. See what they have to say here.