The 103rd annual New Jersey Municipal League Conference is taking place later this month on November 13-15. With the theme of municipalities leading the way, the conference promises to offer insights, innovations, and networking opportunities to help cities work toward a brighter, safer future.
Traffic Logix is proud to be exhibiting our driver feedback signs, variable message signs, and speed awareness cameras at the Atlantic City based show. Designed to return safety to local streets, our solutions have been installed in thousands of cities across New Jersey, the United States, Latin America, and India.
We strive to help cities create realistic plans to lower speeds in neighborhoods where speeding is a concern. Proven to reduce speeding, accidents, injuries, and fatalities, our products can help cities create safer, more livable streets for everyone.
The show will take place from November 13-15 at the Atlantic City Convention Center.
Plan to attend? Let’s get together and have a chat about how we can help you lead the way to a safer tomorrow.