Is Distraction Curable?
People have never been more distracted. And distracted driving is just one manifestation of the changed way we live. The advent of handheld technology and the millions of gadgets and devices keep us connected. But they also make focusing infinitely more difficult. In everyday life, distraction has changed the way people connect, learn, and communicate. But we also know it’s changed the way people drive. And it’s killing people every day.
The Toll of Distraction
Every day, more than 1,000 people are injured by distracted driving on U.S. streets. And close to 3,000 people are killed in distracted related crashes. Next month is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. In today’s distracted world, encouraging attentive driving is more important than ever. But with people’s minds always racing and hands always clicking, how can we return their eyes and minds to the road?
A Return to the Present
Distracted driving can’t be cured overnight. But driver focus can be instantly focused back on the road with the right tools. Driver feedback signs flash drivers’ speeds at them. They can also display custom messages directly responding to driver speed. They offer a powerful tool in our highly visual world, alerting drivers and reminding them to focus. In addition, OpenSpace signs from Traffic Logix flash bright strobes at speed violators, reminding them in a bright, visual way that they need to slow down.
The Feedback Loop and Distracted Driving
Is a flashing sign really enough of a reminder to make a difference? The feedback loop theory has proven without question that it is. When people are reminded of their shortcomings in a quick visual way, they tend to change. There’s no criticism or disapproval involved, simply a visual reminder to avoid distracted driving and keep their eyes on the road. Slower cars save lives. They are less likely to crash and more likely to be able to slow down in time in crisis. Traffic Logix can help you reduce speeding and improve attentiveness on your roads. Find out more today!