It’s time to start thinking about holiday streets. But if you’re a police professional, that probably doesn’t make you think of tinsel and lights. It may bring images to mind of lit-up streets, joyful sounds, and decked out trees. But it also probably conjures drunk drivers, speeding vehicles, and dangerous crashes.
How can you make this holiday season different?
Don’t Work Harder- Delegate Smarter
Safer holiday streets don’t have to mean more work. Or more manpower. They can be created by simply delegating smarter. But not necessarily to your police officers. Delegate the job of slowing vehicles down to smart signs that can do your work for you. Install moveable radar signs at high risk locations this holiday season. And prevent crashes before they happen.
Why Radar Signs Make a Difference
Drivers already know how fast they’re going. So why should displaying their speeds on radar signs make a difference? Surprisingly, it does. Study after study demonstrate that drivers really do slow down when they see a radar speed display. Scientists call the reason why “the feedback loop”. Essentially, when people are faced with information about their behavior (their current speed), along with a reminder of expected behavior (the posted speed limit), they self-enforce proper behavior- and in this case, slow down.
Radar signs take a 3 pronged approach: they educate drivers, remind them of speed expectation, and create real change in their behaviors.
What Do Radar Signs Have to Do With The Holidays?
What does all this have to do with the holiday season? Simple. Around 1/3 of traffic crashes happen because of speeding drivers. These crashes cost society hundreds of billions of dollars each year. And of course, the emotional cost of injuries and deaths can be far greater. Radar speed signs help eliminate those crashes by simply slowing cars down. They provide a visual reminder to drivers not to rush to their holiday party or speed to their shopping trip. And every mile slower can help save a life in the event of a crash.
So don’t just increase your police presence and assume that’s the answer to safer holiday roads. Delegate speed control to radar feedback signs. And prevent crashes and save lives this holiday season.
Ready for Safer Holiday Streets? Get a quote today!