When you think of the expression set it and forget it, you might think of your morning coffee. You probably don’t think of safer streets. In order to protect your streets, you need men on the ground, catching speeders and enforcing speed limits. Or do you? What if you could automate safety on your streets the same way you automate your morning brew?
A Better Cup of Joe
When you automate your coffee, it may be convenient, but chances are it isn’t a better brew than you could’ve made yourself. But when it comes to slowing speeders, you may be able to do an even better job with less involvement. How does it work?
Smarter, Safer Streets
Radar speed signs simply alert drivers to their speed. They remind them to slow down, a strategy that surprisingly is extremely effective. But that’s not all. They also submit real time, detailed traffic data to Logix on Cloud. So you can download reports showing you speed trends, driver behavior, and more. They protect your streets without you there and give you the data to prove it.
Not sure if you have speeding problems or where they are? Our discreet Speed Tracker can give you detailed stats on any street you’re concerned about. No sign display and no police presence needed. Just the stats you need to make smart, informed decisions about further intervention.
Other Options
Radar signs and speed tracking are both great ways to keep track of speed data but they’re not the only ways you can free up police time and protect your streets with Traffic Logix. We also offer awareness speed cameras that allow you to mail out warnings to speed violators to increase awareness of speed limits. They also gather data for you on how fast drivers are going, how many are violating speed limits, and when problems seem to occur.
Speed humps and cushions are another way to free up police time while improving your streets at the same time. Often called “sleeping policemen,” these devices compel drivers to slow down, eliminating the need for constant police enforcement on streets prone to speeding.
Do Your Streets Still Need You?
Its true that our solutions help you free up your time for other pressing police tasks. But your streets still need you. Using the data you gather from our solutions, you can make better informed decisions about where to place devices to slow cars down. You can also see which streets or what times continue to be a concern so you know where to direct police energy. Don’t spend endless time trying to enforce speed limits on your streets. Pinpoint your energies only where they’re needed most. And the rest of the time, you can set it and forget it.
Want to learn more about how you can automate safety on your streets? Fill out the form on the right and one of our traffic safety experts will reach out to you.