The Kids are Back in School. But Are They Safe?
Back to school is a busy time of year. And for schools and cities, it can often be a worrisome time of year. Can students get to school safely? Will cars be speeding in school zones children leave in the afternoon? Will cars remember to slow down and notice they’re in a school zone?
School zone safety is a complex issue, but sometimes complex issues warrant simple solutions. At Traffic Logix, we help simplify road safety for thousands of cities across the world. Whether you’d like to begin by assessing the need for intervention or by implementing life-saving technologies regardless of whether speeding is currently occurring, we have the solutions you need to provide students in your city with the safety they deserve.
Building a School Zone Safety Plan
With fatalities on the rise across the country, it’s understandable for cities to be concerned for student safety. Whether the majority of your students walk, bike, are bussed, or are driven to school, there is always some walking involved as they enter your campus or school building. That’s why it’s important to make sure drivers know they’re in a school zone and remember to slow down.
If you’d like to take the first step of assessing driver behavior before deciding on the best way to protect your school zones, we offer several speed tracking solutions, all of which can be deployed on your own without the need for third party speed studies. Our data collection systems are unobtrusive, easy to install, and offer intuitive, real-time analytics of how people are driving on your roads.
At Traffic Logix, we offer a variety of solutions to ensure school zone safety. Whether you simply want to mount flashing beacons, prefer to incorporate interactive speed signs or speed cameras, or want to install physical devices to compel drivers to slow down, we have what you need for a safer school year.
Speed Cameras for Every City
When cities think of speed cameras, penalty-based cameras are often what comes to mind. And whether your state hasn’t approved those devices or you simply don’t want to penalize people for speeding, you may not consider them an option for your school zone. But with Traffic Logix, you can still use cameras to protect your school zones. We offer the only speed awareness cameras on the market, and they’re not the speed cameras you’re used to.
Our Awareness Cameras capture images of speeding vehicle license plates just like a regular speed camera would. But unlike punitive systems, they simply let you know which vehicles were speeding, when, and where. You can then choose to send printed warning to drivers to remind them to slow down. The added level of intervention makes a difference to drivers and lets them know you’re watching. It slows them down, without involving any penalties at all.
And for cities who do prefer to use a punitive system to enforce speed limits in their school zones, growing research backs this technique as an effective one to protect school children. We offer speed cameras with end-to-end ticketing that allow you to capture images of speed violators and send them tickets by mail to discourage future speeding in and around your school zones.
Safer Roads, Less Enforcement
When you want to create safer roads, it’s easy to make the mistake of assuming that it will require manpower. But at Traffic Logix, we know it’s hard to get more people out there on the streets enforcing speed limits. That’s why our solutions do the work for you, slowing cars down and protecting children every day.
Traffic Logix is the only company that offers multi-layer speed enforcement for your school zones to ensure that every child is protected. From simple awareness solutions to the added protection of cameras and physical speed deterrents, we have the solutions you need to slow speeders down. Our multi-pronged approach gives you the tools to solve every aspect of your speed challenges, instead of trying to find one solution that meets all of them.
Ready for a Safer Year?
Whether your school year is already underway or you’re starting soon, it’s not too late to protect your roads. Fill out the form on the right and find out how you can make this year a safer one for everyone at your city’s schools.