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For roads where both speeding and
emergency response are a concern,
speed cushions offer a low-cost solution
that slows cars while letting ambulances
and firetrucks pass without reducing speeds.

Displaying vehicle speeds in bright LED digits,
the SafePace speed display signs alert drivers
to their speeds while reminding them of current
speed limits. They are an effective tool to slow
cars down, even miles down the road.

Designed for roads where you want to maintain traffic
flow while impeding speeders, speed tables are ideal
for residential roads. The extended length slows drivers to
safe speeds without the abrupt slowing associated with
speed bumps.
This standalone system offers discreet image
capture of violator license plates. It can
photograph multiple lanes simultaneously,
can be mounted for fixed or mobile use, and
allows you to issue warnings to speeders.

Flashing to alert drivers when they enter a school
zone or exceed designated speeds, beacons keep
drivers alert and aware that they are in an area
with vulnerable road users.